Презерватив нового поколения для анального секса
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Фирма Origami Condoms разработала новый вид презервативов, которые имитируют незащищенный секс, и надеется, что ее качественно новые анальные презервативы помогут предотвратить распространение заболеваний, передающихся половым путем.
Фирма надеется провести масштабные клинические испытания презервативов в 2014 году, чтобы они поступили на рынок уже в 2015 году.
Сотрудники Института Фенуэй в Бостоне начали тестирование презерватива нового поколения для анального секса. Тестирование является частью клинических испытаний, проводимых Национальным институтом здравоохранения США.
The ORIGAMI Anal Condom (OAC) is a dedicated condom designed exclusively for receptive anal intercourse. It is worn internally by a receptive male or female partner. It is intended to facilitate a pleasurable and safe experience for both partners, increase its acceptability, improve sensation and comfort, and influence consistent condom compliance for those who engage in anal intercourse. It is intended to minimize the risk of contracting HIV and STI/STD. It is intended to provide a receptive partner with the initiative to use a condom without negotiation.
Unlike the off-label use of the rolled latex male condom, the OAC CREATES direct tactile contact for the penis inside the internally lubricated condom. The Top partner does not need to wear a condom, creating an experience closer to sex without a condom. The OAC does not require unrolling. Following anorectal insertion, intercourse would begin normally without the disruption of intimacy. It may be inserted in advance and It is intended to provide an alternative strategy to help prevent HIV/AIDS, STIs/STDs.
To reach the market the ORIGAMI Anal Condom must be reviewed by the WHO, the C-Mark (EU), and the FDA (US) to meet safety standards. It will complete clinical trials in Boston, in collaboration with the research department at The Fenway Institute. Large-scale clinical trials are expected to follow in 2014, to evaluate its performance and safety. It is expected to reach the market in late 2015, pending regulatory approvals.