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Группа исследователей из Центра лечения печени (Liver Centre, Китай) совместно с американскими коллегами разработала новый быстрый способ лечения гепатита C.
Джордж Лау (George Lau) и его коллеги предложили использовать для борьбы с вирусом комбинацию из нескольких препаратов, каждый из которых по отдельности уже используется для лечения заболевания. Группа Лау протестировала три сочетания из трех препаратов, каждый из которых влияет на различные вирусные белки, важные для репликации вируса.
Авторы комбинировали софосбувир (подавляет работу вирусной РНК-полимеразы) с ледипасвиром или даклатасвиром (влияют на белок NS5a), сочетая их с симепревиром или асунапревиром (являются ингибиторами вирусной протеазы).
Эта терапия была успешно протестирована на 18 добровольцах, страдающих гепатитом С. Все они принимали препараты в течение трех недель, а через 12 недель после начала лечения в их организме отсутствовали малейшие следы присутствия вируса.
Авторы отмечают, что одновременный прием сразу трех противогепатитных средств не вызывал осложнений либо приводил к незначительным побочным эффектам. В ближайшее время ученые планируют перейти к проведению более масштабных клинических испытаний новой терапии.
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Source: «Study suggests unprecedented 3-week hepatitis C cure» | http://news.sciencemag.org/health/2015/10/study-suggests-unprecedented-3-week-hepatitis-c-cure |
Yet another stunning victory in the drug battle against the liver-damaging hepatitis C virus (HCV) may be in the offing: A small study suggests it may be possible to cure some people of their infections in as few as 3 weeks.
Fresh on the heels of recent approvals of four new combinations of HCV drugs that clear infections of many different types of the virus in about 3 months, a team led by hepatologist George Lau of the Humanity & Healthy GI and Liver Centre in Hong Kong, China, has mixed and matched various compounds to see whether they could further shorten the route to a cure. Following 3 weeks of treatment, 18 HCV infected people given three different combinations of drugs met the standard definition of being cured—at 12 weeks after treatment began, they had no signs of HCV’s genetic material, RNA, in their blood on standard tests. The researchers plan to present this data publicly for the first time at a scientific conference known as The Liver Meeting in 2 weeks.
Until the new HCV drugs emerged, infected people required treatment for 8 months, and the therapies often failed and had severe side effects. Now, standard treatment protocol calls for taking HCV drugs for just 12 weeks. Cutting that treatment time even more dramatically is “really, really intriguing” says Shyam Kottilil, an HCV researcher at the Institute of Human Virology in Baltimore, Maryland. And if the results hold, it could slash the overall treatment cost of $100,000 required by the most popular drugs used for the 12-week treatment. Kottilil’s own study of a 4-week treatment—which tested different drug combinations on a different patient population—had only a 40% cure rate in the 50 participants. (That study is in press at Annals of Internal Medicine.)
Other researchers point out several caveats to the 3-week success, most notably that the 18 people treated had several characteristics of patients who respond well to HCV drugs. “It’s very interesting, but not unexpected,” says David Nelson, a hepatitis researcher at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
Raymond Schinazi, a biochemist from Emory University in Atlanta who collaborated with Lau, acknowledges that this is only a pilot study and needs confirmation in a larger clinical trial. “But when you get 100%, it’s always statistically significant,” says Schinazi, who helped develop one of the new blockbuster HCV drugs, sofosbuvir, that was part of the combinations tried in the new study.
The rapid clearance of HCV from the body seen in the study upends mechanistic models about how treatment cures people of HCV. ...>