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Lasiet pilnu rakstu Medicine.lv: "Pētījums: Viens savlaicīgā HIV ārstēšanā ieguldīts ASV dolārs rada 17 dolārus lielu ieguvumu" | http://medicine.lv/raksti/petijums-viens-savlaiciga-hiv-arstesana-ieguldits-asv-dolars-rada-17-dolarus-lielu-ieguvumu |
ASV Nacionālā veselības institūta pētījums START liecina, ka antiretrovirālās terapijas uzsākšana uzreiz pēc HIV diagnosticēšanas palielina iespēju aizkavēt vīrusa izplatīšanās risku, kas rodas gaidot, kamēr tā saukto CD4 jeb imunitātes šūnu skaits asinīs ir samazinājies līdz 350 šūnām uz kubikmilimetru asiņu, kad parasti tiek uzsākta ārstēšana. Ja HIV inficēto ārstēšana tiek sākta stadijā, kad CD4 šūnu līmenis ir 500 šūnas uz kubikmilimetru asiņu, risks, ka vīruss progresēs līdz AIDS diagnozei, kā arī citām nopietnām saslimšanām vai pat nāvei, samazinās par 53%.
Agrāka HIV ārstniecības nodrošināšana nozīmē gan labākus rezultātus HIV inficētajiem, gan mazākus valsts izdevumus veselības aprūpei. UNAIDS aprēķinājusi, ka katrs investētais ASV dolārs HIV ārstēšanā rada 17 dolāru lielu ekonomisko ieguvumu. Uzsākot agrāku terapiju, tiek ietaupīti 43% no nākotnē paredzamajiem izdevumiem, ko nāktos tērēt, ārstējot HIV radītās papildu saslimšanas - tuberkulozi, sēnīšu infekcijas, vēzi, diabētu u.c. Kā liecina pētījums, cilvēkresursu ziņā ieguvumi būtu vēl lielāki - nepilnu divu paaudžu jeb 35 gadu laikā tiktu apturēta AIDS epidēmija. Tādejādi kopumā pasaules ekonomikai iegūtu 760 miljonus dzīves gadu.
Lasiet visu materiālu par START pētījumu: The New England Journal of Medicine | Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in Early Asymptomatic HIV Infection | The INSIGHT START Study Group | http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1506816#t=articleResults |
The immune compromise caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is characterized by a loss of CD4+ T cells. Rates of HIV-associated complications and death increase as the number of these cells in peripheral blood (CD4+ count) declines. It has been general practice to defer the initiation of antiretroviral therapy in asymptomatic patients with a CD4+ count above a certain threshold level. The applicable threshold has changed over time, and recommendations remain inconsistent across various guidelines.
Randomized studies that have assessed the benefits and risks of treating patients with HIV infection sooner rather than later have largely enrolled patients with a CD4+ count of less than 500 cells per cubic millimeter. In such studies, later has been defined as a CD4+ count of 200 or 250 cells per cubic millimeter. These data, along with observational studies, provide strong evidence for the initiation of antiretroviral therapy in patients with a CD4+ count of 350 cells per cubic millimeter.
Evidence for initiating antiretroviral therapy in patients with a CD4+ count of more than 350 cells per cubic millimeter comes mainly from the results of observational studies. However, the findings of these studies are inconsistent and are subject to residual confounding. Furthermore, most studies have focused only on the risks of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and death and have not fully addressed the risks and benefits of initiating antiretroviral therapy in patients with a high CD4+ count, in whom complications and death are largely attributed to nonAIDS-related events.17,18 Some studies have raised concern about the adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy on cardiovascular and renal disease,19,20 particularly in an aging HIV-positive population. However, in an earlier large, randomized study, the continuous use of antiretroviral therapy, as compared with intermittent therapy, reduced these risks.
Given the small absolute risk of AIDS among patients with a high CD4+ count, it is important to establish whether it is safe and beneficial to initiate antiretroviral therapy in asymptomatic patients who have a CD4+ count that is much higher than 350 cells per cubic millimeter. This information is particularly important given the known benefits of antiretroviral therapy in reducing infectivity.
In response to this gap in evidence, we designed a multicontinental randomized study, Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy (START), to determine the risks and benefits of the immediate initiation of antiretroviral therapy in asymptomatic HIV-positive patients who have a CD4+ count of more than 500 cells per cubic millimeter, as compared with deferring initiation until the CD4+ count is 350 cells per cubic millimeter.