Biedrība "Apvienība HIV.LV" (ik dienu pl. 9 - 21)


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Vācu zinātnieki izstrādājuši eksperimentālu terapiju TherVacB. Darbs publicēts Minhenes Helmgolca Zinātniski pētnieciskā centra vietnē.
Mūsdienu terapija nomāc vīrusa vairošanos, taču organisma imūnā atbilde nav pietiekama, lai pilnībā atbrīvotos no vīrusa.
Pētot ar hepatītu inficētas peles, zinātnieki atklāja, ka vīrusa olbaltumvielas traucē imūnām CD8+ T-šūnām darboties pret slimību. Šī vīrusa izplatības organismā īpatnība ļāva zinātniekiem izstrādāt jaunu terapeitisku pieeju.
Ārstēšanas pirmajā posmā notiek vīrusu olbaltumvielu ekspresijas samazināšana, bet otrajā – imūnšūnu aktivizācija ar parastas vakcīnas palīdzību. Divu metožu kombinācija izraisīja spēcīgu imūno atbildi pret vīrusu un peles pilnībā izārstēja no B hepatīta.
Jaunās ārstēšanas metodes klīniskie pētījumi ieplānoti 2021. gada sākumā. Pacientiem ievadīs trīs zāļu devas katru ceturto nedēļu. Zinātnieki apgalvo, ka ārstēšana būs efektīva vairumam cilvēku, kam ir B hepatīts.
Source: Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health | «Hepatitis B: New therapeutic approach may help to cure chronic hepatitis B infection» | |
<... Researchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have developed a novel therapeutic approach to cure chronic hepatitis B. The scientists found that the large amount of hepatitis B virus proteins expressed in the liver prevents the body's immune system to defeat the virus, consequently preventing an effective therapy. The researchers were able to show that knocking down the expression of the virus’ proteins enables successful vaccination with TherVacB, a novel therapeutic vaccine. ...>
<... Novel therapeutic approach
Using a preclinical mouse model, the researchers found that proteins of the hepatitis B virus prevent that certain immune cells of the body, so-called CD8+ T-cells become effective. Based on these finding, the scientists developed a novel therapeutic approach: first, the expression levels of the virus proteins are knocked down, and then the immune cells are activated by therapeutic vaccination. In contrast to conventional vaccinations, which aim to prevent diseases before outbreak, such a therapeutic vaccination aims to cure already existing chronic diseases. ...>
<... Novel therapeutic vaccination soon in a clinical trial
The newly developed vaccine, called TherVacB, will be tested as an immunotherapy in a two-year clinical trial starting in 2021. “The therapeutic vaccine we have developed is indeed very promising as it induces neutralizing antibodies and T-cell responses,” said Dr. Anna Kosinska, the other first author of the study. The vaccine will be administered in three doses every four weeks. It has been designed to target the majority of all hepatitis B viruses and therefore will be beneficial to most people infected worldwide. ...>


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